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Beechcroft St Paul’s

C of E Primary School

Soaring with Compassion

Hope Cross Respect Cross Wisdom

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Ofsted and Performance Data

Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools - SIAMS

SIAMS Final Inspection Report 2021

Statutory Assessment


Which statutory assessments will my child take?


Year 1 - Phonics Screening Check

This check is designed to indicate whether a child is able to phonetically decode and read words. Children are shown a number of words (both real and pseudo-words) which they have to be able to read using their phonic knowledge.


Year 2 - National Curriculum Tests

Your child’s teacher is responsible for judging the standards your child is working at in English reading, English writing, mathematics and science, by the end of Key Stage 1. To help inform those judgements, pupils sit national curriculum tests in English and mathematics, commonly called SATs. They may also sit an optional test in English grammar, punctuation and spelling. The tests are a tool for teachers to help them measure your child’s performance and identify their needs as they move into Key Stage 2. They also allow teachers to see how your child is performing against national expected standards. The tests can be taken any time during May and they are not strictly timed. 

Further information can be found here:


Year 4 - Multiplication Table Check

The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help your child’s school to identify pupils who may need additional support. The MTC is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times tables questions. Your child will answer 3 practice questions before moving on to the official check and will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

Further information can be found here:


Year 6 - National Curriculum Tests

If you have a child in Year 6, at the end of Key Stage 2, they will take national curriculum tests in English grammar, punctuation and spelling, English reading and mathematics. The tests help measure the progress pupils have made and identify if they need additional support in a certain area. The tests are also used to assess schools’ performance and to produce national performance data.

Further information can be found here:


How are the assessments marked and what will they tell me about my child?

Both the Phonic Screening Check and the Year 2 assessments are marked in school.  The Year 6 assessments are marked externally.  

The outcome of the Phonics Screening Check is a score corresponding to the number of words the child read correctly.  To have achieved the required standard children must reach or exceed a nationally set pass mark.


For the Year 2 and Year 6 assessments, the total number of marks will be converted into a 'scaled score'.  The scaled score will be a number either at, just above or below 100.  Achieving a scaled score of 100 will mean that the pupil is working at the expected standard for the end of their key stage.  A number less than 100 will mean that the child has not achieved the expected standard and a number greater than 100 will mean that the child has exceeded the national standard. 


How can I help my child?

First and foremost, support and reassure your child that there is nothing to worry about with school assessments and they should always just try their best.  Praise and encourage!

Ensure your child has the best possible attendance at school.

Support your child with any homework tasks.

Reading, spelling and arithmetic are always good to practise.  Reading together for a short time each night can help a lot, and can also help improve a child's writing as well.

Talk to your child about what they have learnt at school and what book(s) they are reading, the character, the plot and their opinion.

Make sure your child has a good sleep and healthy breakfast every morning.  


Key Data

Assessment Results

We are proud of the results that our pupils attain during the time with us. We always instill a strong work ethic that enables them 'to do their Beechcroft Best' at all times. Staff work to ensure all pupils reach their potential and achieve all that they are capable of. Our most recent results are published on two national websites and you are welcome to view them. Our success are rightly celebrated, however we always use comparisons with other schools to highlight any aspect of performance that may need improving.


Department for Education - School Performance League Tables CLICK HERE


Data Dashboard - Ofsted Performance Comparison Site CLICK HERE


Due to Covid-19, there were no outcomes to report for 2019-20 and 2020-2021.

2023 Performance Data








Year 1 Phonics Screening72%
Phonics by the end of Year 288%




Reading, Writing and Maths Combined48%


Year 4 MTC

Average Score16.4



Year 6 SATS


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling72%
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined48%



Statutory Data 2022

Reception - EYFS Profile







Year 1 - Phonics Screening Check 


Year 2 - SATs







Year 4 - Multiplication Check


Year 6 - SATs







Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables. 
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