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Beechcroft St Paul’s

C of E Primary School

Soaring with Compassion

Hope Cross Respect Cross Wisdom

Background Slideshow

Pupil Premium and Vulnerable Identified Pupils (VIP)

The Vulnerable Identified Pupils (VIP) Team

Statement of Intent

At Beechcroft St Pauls C of E Primary School, we want our Vulnerable Identified Pupils to feel happy and safe so that they can make progress in all areas of the curriculum and SOAR. As a school, we are committed to meet children’s pastoral, social and academic needs within a caring and nurturing environment. We want every child to reach their full potential alongside developing a love of learning and acquiring skills and abilities. We recognise the importance of early identification and narrowing the attainment gap to ensure that opportunities are in place to open doors to access the full curriculum alongside developing skill, knowledge and expertise in the core subjects. 

Leaders target additional support and track the impact closely to ensure that it is making a significant difference to disadvantaged pupils’ progress. Our main aim is to ensure that every child can read as it opens doors. We identify barriers and strive to overcome these, working in partnership with parents, with the child being the centre of every decision. 

Our key principles:

  • We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils
  • We recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals
  • We recognise children’s individual needs and aim to enable every child to achieve and make the best progress


Soaring with Compassion: Enabling vulnerable children to flourish

Pupil Premium 

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


At Beechcroft St Paul’s Primary School, we aim to ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all our pupils.


The Pupil Premium is a sum of money in the school’s budget based on the number of children who are looked after or who are entitled to free school meals.


The school's Pupil Premium Strategy Statement is available below. It identifies the main internal and external barriers to pupils' learning, the interventions and strategies employed by the school to tackle these barriers and their impact as well as a breakdown of how this academic year's Pupil Premium has been allocated.

To check your child's eligibility - please follow this link below, this will take you to the Dorset For You free school meals pages.

Please follow the instructions given on its pages, the application will give an instant result. 

If the application is successful you need to do nothing further, and the school will be notified.

If the application requires further information, it will request this from you, and again you need to just follow the instructions given.

Emotional, Literacy, Support Assistant (ELSA)

An ELSA is a specialist teaching assistant with a wealth of experience of working with children. ELSAs are trained and regularly supervised by the Educational Psychologist in your Local Education Authority. An ELSA is a warm and caring person who wants to help your child feel happy in school and to reach their potential educationally. Their aim is to remove the barriers to learning and to have happy children in school and at home. 


Please do talk to the ELSAs at school if you have any problems with your child. 


ELSA sessions can be offered to support children with:

  • Loss and Bereavement
  • Self-esteem
  • Social Skills
  • Emotons
  • Friendship Issues
  • Relationships 
  • Anger Management 
  • Behaviour
  • Anxiety
  • Bullying
  • Conflict
  • Relaxation Techniques 

Family Link Worker



Advice & Guidance for any family member responsible for a young person between 0 –19 years


These drop-in sessions are designed for you to receive friendly advice and support from your Early Help, School Link Worker.  

This could include behaviour support, housing, finance, relationship, emotional health or anything else you can think of!

If you feel that you would benefit from more regular support, together we can also assess what your needs are and work out the best support route for you.


Please contact Mrs Hodder on if you would like to book an appointment

Parent Workshops

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