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Beechcroft St Paul’s

C of E Primary School

Soaring with Compassion

Hope Cross Respect Cross Wisdom

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Our Reading Spine:


Each cohort will have a suite of core texts that will form the depth study for the academic year. These texts represent a promise from the school to every pupil that it serves of the literature that it is committed to studying throughout a pupil’s school journey. These texts have been mapped carefully to ensure a breadth of experiences, authors, texts and themes is addressed across the Primary years. In addition to these texts, there are core poems that each year group will study in detail. Other texts that will be studied in part will be outlined within the curriculum. This spine represents the core texts for depth study only. The literature spine has been harmonised with the wider curriculum, where appropriate.

Reading Spine

How do we monitor and support progress in reading at Beechcroft?

  • Pupils' progression through the banded reading book levels are reviewed by teachers on an ongoing basis as are individual reading books.
  • Three times a year a PIRA (progress in reading assessment) or SAT as well as a QLA (question level analysis) is carried out to measure progress in this area and inform next steps of teaching and learning.



At Beechcroft, we log individual reading using BoomReader, which is a digital reading record.  We chose this as it enables us to track and assess reading for each pupil on their journey through school.  

It is quick and easy to use. 

Please speak to a teacher if you need support.

How To Read With Your Child

Parents MUST help their children become interested in reading if they are to succeed in school. These 5 tips will make reading with your child more effective...

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