INTENT of the RE Curriculum at Beechcroft St Paul’s The intent at Beechcroft St Paul’s is to deliver a strong, sequential curriculum in Religious Education that focuses on key concepts and core ideas. Through our Religious Education curriculum, we aim to: - Engage pupils by exploring big questions and concepts arising from the study of core religions, traditions, beliefs and worldviews.
- Inspire our pupils so they want to enquire and find out more, placing a key emphasis on vocabulary and questioning.
- Support pupils to gain and deploy the skills needed to explore, interpret and evaluate texts, sources of wisdom and other religious evidence sources.
- Develop pupils understanding and appreciation for the ways individuals and communities practice their beliefs, including chances to explore ways of expression and the impact this has on how people live their lives as a result.
- Promote respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths, beliefs and worldviews. We will promote and encourage empathy and compassion when exploring ways others living out their beliefs, views and individual choices. We will explore the impact this has on values, communities and self.
Encourage pupils to develop their own sense of identity and belonging in the local community of our school and Westham, the national and wider global community through self-awareness and reflection. We will encourage them to reflect, evaluate and question their own thoughts and feelings, learning the skills of justifying and debating differing viewpoints.