Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Miss Kendall Stuart- Smith is our SENDCo and Vulnerable Identified Pupils (VIP) Leader. If you have any queries or concerns regarding SEND at Beechcroft please contact her on: kstuart-smith@beechcroft.dsat.org.uk.
Mrs Smith is our Family Liaison Officer and a member of the VIP team who supports our children and families. If you would like to speak with Mrs Smith please contact her on: csmith@beechcroft.dsat.org.uk
Our Soaring Curriculum
Click on the link below to find out more about our Universal Quality First Teaching and targeted support for identified children and lowest 20%
SEND Policy
SEND Parent Information Report
SEND Handbook
Relevant Policies
Beechcroft Primary School
SEND Primary Areas of Need*
Special Educational Need or Disability | % of SEN Students with this Need | % of Students with this Need |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | 25% | 8% |
Autistic Spectrum Condition | 20% | 7% |
Global Developmental Delay | 3% | 1% |
Hearing Impairment | 4% | 1% |
Physical Disability | 3% | 1% |
Social, Emotional and Mental Health | 49% | 16% |
Specific Learning Disability | 12% | 4% |
Speech, Language and Communication | 55% | 18% |
*This data is accurate at the time of recording – January 2024
Children identified with ASC/ADHD have formal diagnoses of these conditions
Beechcroft's Sensory Room
Child Voice - June 2023
Year 5 child 'The sensory room helps me regulate my emotions. I use the zones of regulation mirrors to help me.'
Year 6 child 'The sensory room helps me come into school in the morning. I have quiet time before entering the classroom.'
Year 3 child 'It helps me when I am finding things tricky. Miss Stuart is always there to help and has taught me different sensory strategies to use in the classroom and when I am in the sensory room.'
SEND Padlet - Useful links and support
Dorset Parent Care Council
Dorset Parent Carer Council (DPCC) is an independent voluntary organisation that formed in June 2009. The DPCC are the parent carer forum recognised by the Department of Education, Dorset Council and Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and are members of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums. Please find below a link to the Dorset Parent Care Council:
Newsletter for Families in Dorset
Sign up to receive one or both of our newsletters for information, advice and support for you and your family in Dorset:
- a Family Information Service newsletter for information about what's on near you, help with childcare, funding and lots more
- a special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) newsletter for information and updates about services and activities for families of children with SEND in Dorset
Specialist settings and resourced provision in Dorset
Dorset Special Educational Needs Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
SENDIASS is a free, impartial and confidential service that provides information, advice and support to:
- children and young people aged from 0 to 25 with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND)
- parents and carers of children and young people with SEND
SENDIASS Overview and Contact Details
Dorset Education Advice Line
This service is for parents, carers and professionals who are looking for advice regarding emerging issues for a child who might have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Parents and carers have told us it can be difficult to understand SEND services and how best to support their child. We know that providing information and advice early is vital to helping secure the right support for any child with emerging needs.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Autism Awareness Week
Diversity Week - Assembly delivered by Mental Health Team for School (MHST)
Assembly from the Mental Health Teams for School (MHST) as part of Diversity week with the key message being:
All people should be celebrated! We need to respect and be kind towards EVERYONE!
Dwarfism Awareness Day at Beechcroft - October 2023
"Embracing Differences: Dwarfism Awareness Day at Beechcroft St Paul's School” - Let’s Grow Our Understanding
October 25th is International Dwarfism Awareness Day - a global celebration promoting understanding and inclusivity for people living with dwarfism.
Imagine that people come in all different shapes and sizes. Some people are really tall, and some people are shorter. Dwarfism is when someone is much shorter than most other people. It happens because of special things in their genes, which are like tiny instructions inside their bodies.
Just like how some people have brown hair and others have black hair, some people are born with genes that make them shorter. People with dwarfism are just like everyone else inside. They have the same feelings, thoughts, and abilities. They might be smaller, but they can do almost everything that taller people can do.
Some people might need some extra help, like reaching high shelves or using a stool to get things, but they can still do lots of fun activities and have great lives. It's important to be kind and understanding to everyone, no matter how tall or short they are, because what really matters is how nice and caring a person is inside.
On Friday 20th October , Beechcroft raised awareness and promoted an inclusive environment for all by completing activities in school and wearing green to show support.
Year 5 child 'The best day in school ever!.'
Year 6 child 'It made me think about everyone as individuals and the importance of showing kindness and understanding.'